Why apostille or legalize business documents

Most of the national corporations in a certain period of their development set themselves the task to bring out their products, goods, projects and services to foreign markets, which may be done, including through the expansion of their actual geographical presence outside the country of incorporation of the company, or the location of the head office. No matter what kind of business your company intend to be engaged in – opening an international office, exporting services or good or signing a partnership agreement with foreign partners, it may be asked to present particular business documents including an Article of Incorporation or By-laws to an official or business partners in that country. In this case, you will need an Apostille or authentication of your corporate documents, to ensure they are accepted in the destination country.

Business documents requiring Apostille or Embassy legalization

The most common types of business documents required for conducting business overseas, and consequently, should be apostilled, are:
Certificate of Incorporation – a legal document, issued by state or government institution in confirmation of formation of company. It is often required the Certificate of Incorporation apostilled, because business partners or foreign authorities want to make sure that the company they are going to do the business with really exists and is reliable. Apostilled Certificate of Incorporation also may be required for opening business accounts in foreign banks, opening representative or branch offices abroad or buying a stock in non – USA companies.

Articles of Incorporation – are the primary rules governing the management of a corporation in the United States and Canada, and are filed with a state or other regulatory agency. Foreign companies you are going to conduct the business with, might require an Apostille for Certificate of Incorporation in order to avoid fraud and minimize the risk of signing a partnership agreement with a company which does not exist.

Certificate of Amendment – if a company conducts business overseas, and there are changes to the organization including a change of the registered business name, a change in the type of business the company conducts, or a change in the articles of incorporation or the company stock, foreign authorities might request apostilled Certificate of Amendment in order to have the proof of the changes in their records.

The further business – related document also might require Apostille, however, less frequently than Certificate of Incorporation, By-laws or Certificate of Amendment:
Certificate of Good Standing
Certificate of Incumbency
Certificate of Origin                                                  
Corporate Resolution
IRS Form 6166                                                           
Commercial Invoices

 Why chose us for documents apostille and translation

Apoling Solutions specialists have been assisting small businesses and larger corporations in initiating business in European, Asian, African and South American countries. Being familiar with the International Law and Business Regulations as well as with the Business Law of the most of foreign countries, and understanding the specifics and the potential challenges involved in the Business Documents Apostille process, we will ensure your documents are properly legalized and accepted by foreign authorities. Apoling Solutions will process your documents with the utmost care and your documents will arrive quickly and safely.